Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January 2010...A New Decade, A New Start

Met with Maura from Weight Watchers last night regarding a job as a receptionist. She said they're looking for someone who can be engaging and interested in people's progress, not just an intake person.

I'm really excited about the prospect...I think it's what I need to stay focused on my own progress, and would love to be able to motivate folks the same way some WW receptionists and leaders have motivated me.

120.8 today. I'll take it!

Monday, December 28, 2009

December 28, late afternoon

Bald Eagle Sighting Today!

It was in the uppermost branches of the tallest tree next to the pond at Mom's house. At first I thought it was a bunch of leaves or a nest, but then it turned it's majestic, white head! WOW!

It's pretty funny when the blue herons are passe, and have been usurped by an EAGLE!

Tonight is my first monthly weigh in as a Weight Watchers lifetime member. I am wearing spandex under my jeans, and will strip to next-to-nothing when it's my turn to jump on the scales. My scales at home say 119.4. We'll see....I know I'm starving, and dying of thirst! so I think it's close.

No gym today as the place was locked up tighter than a drum when I got there. But, I'm thinking that may be a good thing...sometimes hard exercise just makes you too hungry. Better I couched it and waited out the hunger to make my weigh in than lift and run and binge!

TaTa! Will post official weigh in numbers later. Measurments tomorrow!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

December 27, Noonish

It's Sunday!

Packed up Christmas today. The poor tree was losing needles every time we walked through the room, so it was ready to go. It makes me sad to put all of the decorations away, but at least I have my living room back.

Still trying to stay on the "clean" side of eating...just had a big bowl of vegies topped with low-fat cottage cheese and some of Debbie's spicy salsa...Yummy!

Heading out for a walk, the first one of the day. I hope to get a total of six miles in today, so at least one more walk this afternoon. It's gorgeous out, so it shouldn't be a problem finding the motivation.

I'll post my progress later...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

My December 26 Resolution

Today is Detox Day.

I have eaten too much, drank too much, and haven't exercised enough over the last month. My mileage is down and my weight is up. It's time to get down to business...

The Goal

Today I weighed in at 122.0, within my two-pound range, but six pounds over my low of 116. I would like to stay under 120, preferably in the 115 pound range. I would like body fat percentage to be in the 20%-22% range.

The Plan

I will spend the next few days eating clean, drinking lots and lots of water, exercising for at least one hour a day, and generally getting my eating habits back under control. No more processed crap. No Christmas cookies. No chips. Limited alcohol (a girls gotta have some fun, right?).

I will focus my nutrition plan to include more lean protein, more vegetables, less starch, and good fats. I like to strike a 40-30-30 (P/F/C) range with macros...I will use Fitday to track my numbers.

I will continue to journal and count Weight Watcher points along with tracking in Fitday. It helps me to see both numbers: Calories vs. Points, and see where I'm getting the majority of my calories.


I will continue with my current lifting routine (Oly, heavy full-body and isolated muscle group strength training, and some crossfit stuff), and shoot for at least 30 miles of walking/running a month. I will run one distance run every weekend, whether it's outside or on the treadmill. I will also pray for enough snow to slap on the snowshoes and go trekking through the fields and wood.

Mental Notes

I'm really bad on following through on these goals unless I feel like I am in competition with someone. I will be dragging someone along for support and motivation. Who will be the lucky victim?

How Will I Know I Am Successful?

Body Fat Percentage
Fit of Clothing
Nike + Tracking
Fitday Tracking
Weight Watchers Weigh In

Blogging Plans

I will update daily. Promise!